When the world gives you lemons, make margaritas.

When the world gives you lemons, make margaritas, as the saying goes - a little updated for the 21st century, that is. In quarantine times, the best vitamine is the creativity one, like the one that is spread out in the next pages and that unites, in the perfect alliance for confinement times, the 2D from photography with technology's 3D: dynamic, daring and de-stress could be the three dimensions of this team that sees photographer dressing up as the model in a series of self-portraits to which he then added makeup and clothing, working closely with high definition images to make sure everything matched the original version in every seam. Because when the fourth D - of Distance - takes the C from Creation to another level, the V for Victory and Va-va-voom happens. And for Vogue too. Creative direction by Alberto Pelayo, Veronica Bergamini, Anthony Rosati. Photography by Alberto Pelayo and Anna Shisterova. Styling by Veronica Bergamini.
Full credits on Vogue Portugal's Union issue, published May 2020.Pode ler a versão portuguesa na edição em papel da Vogue Portugal "Union", publicada em maio 2020.
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