Freedom is in the detais. And after a quarentine lasting months, this truth is even more heartfelt.
Drinking a cup of coffee on the terrace of a coffee shop. To go into a dressing room with half a dozen clothes. To sit on a restaurant. On a park bench. On a shallow wall with a view of the ocean. Going to a supermarket without having rush hour all day long. Dip your toes in a pool at a guesthouse, a hotel, an Airbnb. Freedom is in the detais. And after a quarentine lasting months, this truth is even more heartfelt. Let's not let it become dimmer and dimmer and forget the time when moving around meant only stretching in the backyard, hugs were only to objects and the closest you had to laying on the grass was that green duvet cover over the bed. Photography by Per Florian Appelgren. Styling by Benjamin Aerts.

*Full story and credits on Vogue Portugal's Freedom on Hold - Revisited issue, out August 2020.
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