Política de Privacidade

08 Sep 2017
By Vogue Portugal


This privacy policy covers this website and all sites (together, the Websites) produced by CondéNast Publications Ltd (Condé Nast, we, us).It is your responsibility to read and understand this privacy policy. By visiting our Website you areagreeing and consenting to the practices described in this privacy policy. If you do not agree to allof this privacy policy and do not wish to be bound by it, you are not authorised to access orotherwise use the Websites, or take part in any of the programmes and offers that we provide.We are committed to safeguarding your privacy online. We appreciate that you do not want anypersonal information you provide to us distributed indiscriminately and here we explain how wecollect information, what we do with it and what controls you have. This privacy policy may changefrom time to time so please check back here frequently.This privacy policy explains the following:

1 What personal information do we collect from you?2 How is your personal information processed, stored and kept secure?3 How do we use your personal information?4 Do we share your personal information with anyone else?5 Are there any age restrictions on supplying personal information tous?6 How long will we keep your personal information?7 Changing your mind about receiving marketing messages.8 How do we use cookies?9 Social media.10 Other websites.11 Access to personal information and keeping your personal information accurate andup-to-date.12 How to contact us.

1. What personal information do we collect from you?

1.1 What is personal information? Personal information is any information that allowssomeone to identify you, including, for example, your name, address, telephone and mobilenumbers, email address, as well as any information about you that is associated with or linked to,or could be linked to, any of the foregoing data.

1.2 Your personal information is collected when you register or fill in a form on a Website,contact Condé Nast, or complete a form in any of our publications which may relate, for example,to subscriptions, competitions, offers and promotions. This includes information you provide whenyou register to use our Website, subscribe to newsletters, place an order or participate indiscussion boards on our Website. The information you give us may include your name, address,email, phone number and payment details.

1.3 Personal information that is provided by you will only be used for the purpose for which itis provided, unless you are informed otherwise at the time of giving the information.

1.4 Condé Nast will from time to time collect information from you for the purpose of creatingde-personalised data that does not reveal your identity. Condé Nast uses this information toimprove our products and occasionally for other internal purposes. This information is only used inde-personalised form and is not connected to any name, address or other personal identifyinginformation.

2. How is your information processed, stored and kept secure?

2.1 When you submit your details in whichever country you are situated you agree to theinformation being processed in Portugal.

2.2 We may also process or transfer your personal information outside Portugal (and possiblyto places outside the European Economic Area, which is all EU member states plus Norway,Iceland and Liechtenstein). Condé Nast shall take reasonable steps to ensure that any transfer ofyour personal information to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area, whoselaws may provide for a lesser standard of protection for your personal information than thatprovided under European law, shall have adequate protection (such as model contractualarrangements as approved by the EU).

2.3 The Websites and our servers, wherever they are based, have appropriate technical andorganisational measures in place to protect against unauthorised or unlawful use of your personalinformation as well as the accidental loss, destruction or damage of your personal informationwhilst under our control.

2.4 However no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secureand whilst we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of anyinformation you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk.

3. How do we use your personal information?

3.1 Condé Nast processes personal information for the following purposes:• providing you with goods and/or services that you have requested andcommunicating with you about those products and services;• monitoring, developing and improving the Websites, our services and yourexperience;• providing a personalised service;• conducting market research surveys;• running competitions;• providing you with information about Condé Nast’s, or our business partners’products and services where you have provided your consent. You will always be able to opt-outor unsubscribe from these messages;• send out email alerts you have agreed to receive. You will always be able tounsubscribe from these messages;• processing and dealing with any complaints or enquiries made by you or legally onyour behalf;• we may also be required to disclose your personal information to authorities whocan request this information by law that is binding on Condé Nast, for instance for the preventionand detection of crime, the capture or prosecution of offenders and the assessment or collection oftaxes; and• other purposes related to any of the above.

3.2 Condé Nast may also contact you about your registration details, to manage any accountor subscription you have with us, or to provide customer service, even if you have opted-out of ordeclined to consent to receiving promotional emails. We may also contact you if we consider thatrevisions to this privacy policy are sufficiently important to notify you about them.

4. Do we share your personal information with anyone else?

4.1 We may share your personal information with any member of our group, which meansour subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries.

4.2 We may disclose your personal information to partners of Condé Nast who supplyservices to you on behalf of Condé Nast and who need to process personal information in theprovision of such services. When you request goods and services from Condé Nast, you areconsenting to the disclosure of your personal information to Condé Nast’s partners who mayprovide such goods and services under contract and guarantee to our satisfaction that they havesufficiently robust processes in place to ensure the security of your personal information whilst it isin their care.

4.3 We may disclose your personal information to third parties:In the event that we sell or buy any business or assets, in which case we may disclose yourpersonal data to the prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets.If all or substantially all of our assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal data heldby us about our customers will be one of the transferred assets.

4.4 We may disclose depersonalised data (such as aggregated statistics) about the users ofour Websites in order to describe our sales, customers, traffic patterns and other site information toprospective partners, advertisers, investors and other reputable third parties and for other lawfulpurposes, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information.

4.5 Under certain circumstances we may occasionally be required by law, court order orgovernmental authority to disclose certain types of personal information and we reserve the right tocomply with any such legally binding request. Examples of the type of situation where this wouldoccur would be:• in the administration of justice;• where we have to defend ourselves legally;• in complying with the mandatory requirements of a government departmentcollecting information; and• to protect or defend the rights or property of Condé Nast Publications Ltd or users ofour services.

4.6 Other than this, Condé Nast will not disclose any of your personal information to anyother third parties without your consent.

5. Are there any age restrictions on supplying personal information to us?If you are aged [16] or under, please get your parent/guardian’s permission beforehand wheneveryou provide personal information to the Websites. Users without this consent are not allowed toprovide us with personal information. If we become aware that you are under [16] and areattempting to or have submitted personal information via the Websites without your parent/guardian’s permission, we will not accept such information and we will take steps to remove suchinformation from our records. This may involve us having to access and verify your age and otherrelevant details.

6. How long will we keep your personal information?We will hold your personal information on our systems only for as long as is necessary.

7. Changing your mind about receiving marketing messages.We give you choices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information.When you register on one of our sites or respond to one of our communications or offers, we willask you to make choices about receiving further marketing communications from us. Should youwish to stop receiving marketing communications from us, you will be able to unsubscribe or optout,or you can contact us and we will make the changes for you. Our contact details are at theend of this privacy policy. Please remember to include your full name and address in order that wemay make the changes that you request.

8. How do we use cookies?Condé Nast Cookies

8.1 “Cookies” are pieces of information that a website transfers to your hard drive to storeand sometimes track information about you. Cookies are common and won’t do anything to harmyour system – they simply store or gather information. They help you to get the most out of yourvisit to our Websites.

8.2 We may collect information about your computer including, where available, your IPaddress, operating system and browser type for system administration as part of our audit trailprocess. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you prefer, you can change yourbrowser to prevent that. You are not obliged to accept cookies and you can adjust your browser’ssetting to prevent it from accepting cookies on your computer – go to www.allaboutcookies.org forinstructions on how to disable cookies. However, you may not be able to take full advantage of ourWebsites if you do so.

8.3 Cookies are specific to the server that created them and cannot be accessed by otherservers, which means they cannot be used to track your movements around the web. Althoughthey can be used to store information which may identify a user’s computer, cookies do notpersonally identify users and passwords and credit card information are not stored in cookies.

8.4 Our Websites use two main types of cookies:Per-session cookies. We only use these whilst you are visiting our website and they are deletedwhen you leave. They remember you as you move between pages, for example recording theitems you add to an online shopping basket. They also help maintain security.Persistent cookies. These cookies stay on your computer until they expire or are deleted. We setautomatic deletion dates so that we don’t keep your information for longer than we need to.

8.5 Our Websites also use cookies, for example, to:• Gather customer journey information across our sites and fulfil any of your requests;• Ensure your privacy when you visit our secure sites;• Store login details for our secure sites;• Store details of your marketing preferences to improve and enhance your visit to oursites;• Evaluate our sites’ advertising and promotional effectiveness – all information isanonymised and we don’t share it with anyone;• Remember settings you have applied to a Website such as layout, font size,preferences, colours etc;• Detect if a service has already been offered to you so that we don’t ask you again.

Vogue Portugal By Vogue Portugal
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