English Version | Trendspotting: Cutting loose

02 Apr 2020
By Vogue Portugal

Lingerie no longer manipulates and ties to form a perfect silhouette,, but rather is part of the structure of the clothes, turning into the star of several looks.

Baleines, ties, corsets, everything that was mandatory on the Victorian age, circa 19th century, later on a must-have in the thirties with their pin-ups, and then Christian Dior's New Look, makes a comeback for spring 2020 completely renewed. Lingerie no longer manipulates and ties to form a perfect silhouette,, but rather is part of the structure of the clothes, turning into the star of several looks. Cheap exhibitionism? Far from it: it makes more sense than ever to cut loose - metaphorically or literally speaking - in a day and age where discussion on freedom of genre, psychological freedom, sociological freedom, etc, is a daily topic. Runways  took the message to heart and put all designers'creativity and freedom hand in hand, and always putting their imagination in us: women, men, whatever gender. What matters is what makes us feel complete and free.

This article was originally published in Vogue Portugal's Freedom issue, from April 2020. Para ler este artigo em português, veja a edição de Liberdade da Vogue Portugal. 

Vogue Portugal By Vogue Portugal
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