English version | Fashion Trends: "The Forbidden issue"

31 Mar 2021
By Ana Caracol and Eduarda Pedro

Poetic Drama

Lately it seems like we've been transported to a movie set. And it seems consensual to say that this film is far from being a comedy. This trend reflects the strange and gloomy times, in a crude and theatrical way. Volumes, long and dramatic dresses, gothic accessories, here the connection is just one: the dark color that portrays, better than any other, our current state of mind.

Feast Net

Fish trapped in a net. Sometimes this is how we feel. However, this trend carries with it an unexpected lightness, which does not hold our movements, and gives a carefree, casual feel to our look. Whether metallic, fabric or fishing nets, these flooded the catwalks with textures and contemporaneity. Let's see who will be able to escape this trawler.

New Uniform

It's official: our closets have undergone a revolution and, currently, sporty and comfortable clothing seem to occupy half of our drawers. If sportswear was already starting to gain more and more space in our wardrobe, now even more. This new uniform, fabulously reinterpreted by brands such as Miu Miu, Prada and Lacoste, has brought a fun and yet elegant side to the act of wearing sportswear at any time of our day to day.

*Translated from the original on Vogue Portugal's The Forbidden Issue, published april 2021.Full article and credits on the print issue.

Ana Caracol and Eduarda Pedro By Ana Caracol and Eduarda Pedro


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