Conservação. Da Natureza, do planeta e da espécie. A nossa espécie. Quando a última pegada do Homem se apagar da superfície terrestre, será que o planeta vai continuar a regenerar-se?
Conservation. Of nature, the planet and the species. Our species. When Mankind’s last footprint is erased from the surface of the earth, will the planet keep regenerating itself? In our absence, will nature prosper, taking over the concrete, cement, buildings and bridges? The answer is a giant “yes”. But wouldn’t it be nicer if we could prosper with it? If we were capable of evolving along with it? Let us continue in this action, together, Human Being + Nature, and preserve seeds and genetic biodiversity of cultivable plants from the world to ensure food security for mankind and its survival and life on Earth. The planet can go on and we can go on along with it, contributing to its perseverance. And our own. Creative Direction and Photography by Pedro Moura Simão. Styling by Ruben de Sá Osório.
Originalmente publicada na edição No Comments da Vogue Portugal, de novembro 2021. Todos os crétidos e imagens na versão em papel.Originally published in the No Comments issue of Vogue Portugal, from November 2021. Full credits and story on the print version.
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