And dressed up for it. In the most vibrant neons and electric hues, the bikinis and other looks of our summer closet want to match the energy we take on vacation.
And dressed up for it. In the most vibrant neons and electric hues, the bikinis and other looks of our summer closet match the energy we take on vacation: as sparkling as the sea, as warm as the sand, as cosmopolitan and rustic as that cute little town on some lost coast, which doubles in population for the silly season. In this time of mandatory leisure, linger on the beach, have a long dinner, read for a while, but never laze in your closet - just because it's summer doesn't mean you have to leave your feathers, glitter and silks at home. And even when the sun goes down, put on that long sequined dress, which almost mimics the sunshine and surely equals it in power.
Translated from the original on The Sunny Vibes Issue, from Vogue Portugal, published July 2022.Full stories and credits on the print issue.
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