Arts Issue
Giulia Be becomes the masterpiece of a series of images that place artist and art as a single contemplative object.
Not being a stranger to the spotlight, the Brazilian singer also knows well what goes into the behind-the-scenes work of an artistic movement, in this case, music: the dedication, the effort, the battles, the criticism, the adoration, are a daily life that she’s familiar with and tries to navigate, carving out a career and finding her voice, without losing the person she is. Outside of concerts and public appearances, she perfectly understands the contortion and maneuver room that is required to deal with success and hardship with equal humility – something that characterizes her well. In this editorial, the game of contortions takes on physical and sinuous contours to place work and author on the same pedestal: that of the human being.
Translated from the original in the Arts Issue, published November 2023. Full stories and credits in the print version.
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