To come out of the shell. To break through the egg. To free yourself. Leave the refuge. Rise up. Fight, fall, come back up. You don't have to be a butterfly to know that the transformation is transversal to all animals, including humans.
To come out of the shell. To break through the egg. To free yourself. Leave the refuge. Rise up. Fight, fall, come back up. You don't have to be a butterfly to know that the transformation is transversal to all animals, including humans.

To change, to adapt, to fit in, to disengage… the verbs are multiple to describe a metamorphosis that is greater than that which any body goes through or can go through. It's mental. It's emotional. It’s physical and psychic and transcendent. It’s a journey of surpassing, of overcoming obstacles, of leaving, arriving, seeing and winning, of achieving goals. Of victory, without being the end of the story. For any butterfly, it is actually about to start. Photography by Branislav Simoncik. Styling by Joana Dacheville.
Translated from the original on The Butterfly Effect issue from Vogue Portugal, published October 2022.Full story and credits on the print issue.
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