English Version | The Pleasure Issue: Backstage

05 May 2023
By Vogue Portugal

What happens backstage in Vogue Portugal, doesn't stay backstage. Here's your all access pass to the behind the scenes of The Pleasure Issue.

Booty call

Well, it wasn't this kind of call that Sílvia Rizzo got while we were having dinner, by the pool at Tivoli Avenida Liberdade, in the preamble of a sleepless night as part of the #voguepyjamaparty, but the content of it was also a pleasure. On the other side of the line, Ticha Penicheiro, the athlete from Figueira da Foz who played professional basketball for 15 seasons in the revered WNBA, in the United States, was right next door having dinner at Seen and didn't shy away from joining our circle of guests - Ana Sofia Martins, Nayma Mingas, Raquel Strada and Sónia Balacó, as well as Rizzo - for coffee and a round of laughter. In the midst of the making of an issue dedicated to hedonism, the contours of this night and the next morning could not have been more in line with the theme. The aftermath is on page 96, in the article Hedonism, sorry, SHE-donism.

The principle of pleasure

It is the theory of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) that reflects this idea of hedonism. According to the psychoanalyst, it defines an instinctive search for pleasure, while avoiding pain and suffering, whose purpose is to satisfy the biological and psychological needs, guiding, therefore, the impulsive side of the individual. The pleasure principle, according to the Austrian scientist, is opposed to the principle of reality, which implies the postponement of gratification and, consequently, learning to endure pain. It is a process that is part of the individual's normal maturation in impulse control. Fortunately, this issue is governed by the pleasure principle, not reality, so you can read it straight away, without holding back.

Print pleasure

There are those who argue that print is dead, but only those who know the pleasure of touching an object of desire like Vogue - that inside information that both us and the reader know well - know that paper has a long life ahead of it. And this long life does not end with the release of the magazine on newsstands. At shop.light-house.pt, you can find past editions of Lighthouse publications, so you never run out of works of art to browse. There, the pleasure could be inexhaustible, except that some issues sell out quickly. Don't forget to make sure you don't miss any for your collection.

Originally translated from Vogue Portugal's The Pleasure Issue, published may 2023.Full stories and credits on the print issue.

Vogue Portugal By Vogue Portugal



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